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Bao Yuan (HKG:0692) not aware of any person who own 5% stocks
Source£ºCCMR   Data£º2012-6-26

Referring to the investigation it was required to conduct under section 329 of the SFO, Bao Yuan Holdings (HKG:0692) said that investigation letters were sent to CCASS participants which it had reasonable cause to believe held a total of 403.414 million shares (representing 99.62% of the then entire issued share capital of the company as at 2 November 2011).

Up to the latest practicable date, the company had only received confirmation on the identities of the confirmed ultimate owners of 3.705 million shares (rerepsenting 0.91% of the entire issued share capital of Bao Yuan as at 2 November 2011) and the company was not aware of any person who beneficially owned 5% or more of the entire issued share capital of the company as at 2 November 2011.

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