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Chinese premier stresses cooperation for global tourism boom
Source£ºChina Market Research   Data£º2017-9-14

BEIJING - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Wednesday stressed the importance of cooperation in global tourism development, saying that China would play a constructive role in driving sustainable growth in the area.

In a congratulatory letter to the launch of the World Tourism Alliance Tuesday, Li highlighted the significance of tourism for its contribution in boosting consumption and employment, supporting economic growth and facilitating exchanges between countries.

The premier said further cooperation and joint efforts were needed for more balanced and inclusive development in the tourist areas, demanding active participation from governments, private associations and businesses.

"I believe the World Tourism Alliance would help create a new platform and new opportunities for the sector's sustainable development," Li said in the letter.

The World Tourism Alliance, a global network linking non-governmental players in the industry, was set up in China on Tuesday. It was formed by 89 founding members, mainly national tourism associations, tourist enterprises and think tanks from around the world.

China proposed the alliance, in which it is represented by 21 businesses, six associations, one research institute and one media organization.

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