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Belle (HKG:1880) Q1 footwear biz same stores sales up 2.8%
Source£ºCCMR   Data£º2012-4-11

Belle International Holdings Limited (HKG:1880) announced that it continued to open new retail outlets in Mainland China. For the first quarter of 2012, the footwear business had a same store sales growth of 2.8%, while the sportswear business had a same store sales decline of 2.4%.

In the first quarter of 2012, the net increase in the total number of retail outlets of the Group in Mainland China was 477.

As at 31 March 2012, the total number of retail outlets of the Group in Mainland China was 15,427, which consisted of 10,608 footwear outlets and 4,819 sportswear outlets, all of which were directly managed by the Group.

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